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        2. 歡迎光臨喵站







          As a new American, I have to admit that the United States has been bullying other countries by relying on its strong position.


          The U.S. government not only put forward various excessive requirements for China, but also for other countries. When Japan threatened the core technology industry of the United States, the one square agreement brought Japan’s economy to a standstill, urged NATO allies to pay large military expenses as protection fees, overthrow Ukraine’s Pro Russian government, insert Pro American or even American nationals into the new government, and cultivate Ukraine’s anti Russian atmosphere.



          Since Trump came to power, there are no more than two main tools for the United States to clamp down on the international community:


          Economic sanctions. The United States has a trade deficit with most countries in the world, so all countries earn a lot of foreign exchange from the United States, which is also the basis for the dollar to become the reserve currency of all countries. The dollar naturally becomes the medium of currency exchange. The United States can start the money printing machine to harvest the goods of all countries and collect coinage tax.




          But the United States is not satisfied. Instead, it uses it as a tool to impose large tariffs on its competitors, making its enterprises lose competitiveness and even go bankrupt. Intellectual property restrictions and technological sanctions are also a kind of economic sanctions, even more deadly than economic sanctions.


          Military intimidation. There are 384 military bases in more than 140 countries around the world, and no hostile forces have ever dared to approach. The White House has repeatedly threatened to withdraw from NATO, threaten to invade Iran and Venezuela, use the US Navy fleet to create tense confrontation in the South China Sea, abolish the nuclear agreement with Iran, abolish the nuclear treaty with Russia, deploy troops and missiles in Poland and deploy troops in most African countries. If China or other countries do not meet our requirements, they will threaten them with tariffs or export the color revolution, causing chaos in the world.


          Because the United States has always controlled international public opinion and has the right to speak, the international community has always believed in American propaganda, so that it can’t distinguish right from wrong. As a Korean American, I also want to apologize to China. Because of the support of the United States, I may not know much about how much trouble my motherland has brought to you. But don’t worry. I believe the Korean people now understand how stupid it is for the United States to establish a chicken Saad system in our country today when China rises.




          Since the founding of new China, the United States has been playing a long ideological game with China. First of all, it supported Chiang Kai Shek’s attempt to attack the mainland, but when they saw that he had no ability, they jumped up and attacked North Korea. The United Nations army was repulsed under the confrontation between China and the Soviet Union, but it split our country into what it is today. Our poor cousins in the North suffered from oppression.


          After the failure of the Korean War, because Vietnam borders southern China, the United States turned its attention to Vietnam. After the failure of the Vietnam War, it turned its attention to Japan in the hope that it could undermine the process of China’s rise.




          I was born in 1994. Since I was born, the United States has done the following things that can be classified as bullying:


          ? launched an inexplicable war against Iraq, lied that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and imposed terrible sanctions, resulting in the death of 500000 children. According to Madeleine Albright, the United States Secretary of state, it is “worth starving these children to death” in order to realize democratic freedom. By the way, 90% of Americans support this “crime against humanity”.


          ? when Uganda and Rwanda invaded eastern Congo and committed the largest genocide in modern times, they fully supported it, so that American, British and Canadian companies could have unlimited access to mineral resources in eastern Congo.


          ? bombing Serbia and Kosovo with depleted uranium, which remains the main cause of cancer in the region, especially in children.


          ? the bombing and destruction of Libya turned it into a huge slave market, and blacks were bought and sold like animals. Surprisingly, the British Parliament admitted in the report that even Muammar Gaddafi’s army had not committed crimes against civilians.



          ? the United States is the financier of the arms and funding of jihadi organizations such as FSA, HTS and Noor al DIN Zenki. The purpose is to overthrow the secular regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad and turn Syria into another Libya.

          ?美國是FSA、HTS和Noor al-din Zenki等圣戰組織武裝和資助的金主,目的是推翻敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德的世俗政權,將敘利亞變成另一個利比亞。

          ? support the coup against the elected leaders of Honduras and Ukraine and turn them into pro western countries.


          China has never done anything similar. She has reached trade agreements with many countries, has never interfered in the internal affairs of any country, and has never attacked any country in my lifetime.




          The United States will take the initiative to eliminate all potential threats that threaten its hegemonic status. For the United States, the greatest insult is to ignore them and the greatest respect is to kill them all.


          Since modern times, the United States has not been a just country. By supporting the Opium War between Britain and France against China, as well as the subsequent civil uprisings and riots, the United States supported the first international drug trafficking operated by the state. Behind the Colombian drug traffickers, there were American politicians.


          Most wars with Indians and all massacres of Indians are hard evidence of American bullying, and apartheid and racial atrocities are countless in history.


          Annexation of Hawaii. After the great geographical discovery, American caravans also joined the global trade ranks of European powers, shuttling between Asia and North America, attacking cities and territories by economic and religious means. As early as 1789, a newly independent American merchant ship “Columbia” passed through Honolulu (Oahu Island) in the Hawaiian Islands on the way home from Guangzhou and carried out simple trade with local aborigines, which opened the door for Americans to invade the Hawaiian Islands.


          The war with Mexico, the banana war in the early 20th century and the invasion of Latin America and the Caribbean, the invasion of the Philippines, participation in the assassination of Congolese president Patrice Lumumba, attempted coup and attempted assassination of Fidel Castro, invasion of Granada, support for Nicaragua’s “rebels”, invasion of Iraq, participation in the overthrow of the Libyan government under President Gaddafi, assassination of Iranian generals These are all examples of the United States bullying small countries.


          The military and political presence of the United States in the Philippines, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia is related to bullying in history and has existed to this day.


          Historically, it is clear that the United States is by far the largest bully and one of the most productive bullies in world history, but China is just the opposite.


          China’s actions against Hong Kong, Taiwan and Diaoyu Islands… Are examples of China’s attempts to recover and / or control what was once part of their territory. All these actions are in line with international law and are also written in the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations with China.


          The United States not only bullies China itself, but also induces its allies in Europe, Asia, Oceania, North America and other places to form a group as large as possible to bully China together.


          So shameless, so disgusting and so evil, portray yourself as an angel to save the world from China’s “tyranny”, and portray China as a “bad man” with “evil” intention to do all good for the world:


          It said it would provide masks and other personal protective equipment for more than 190 countries and regions – “mask diplomacy”; Providing vaccines to more than 80 countries, regions and organizations – “vaccine diplomacy” is a blank check.


          The one belt, one road infrastructure investment in Africa, has brought real benefits to local people, and is widely popular in the region. It is described by American politicians as “debt trap” and “Neo colonialism”.


          American politicians and media always lie that no matter what China does, it is malicious, and no matter what China does not do, it is wrong. In short, once China joins, it will bring disaster to the local area. Such slander has not been interrupted for decades.


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